Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Monday

"THE BEST career advice given to the young is:
Find out what you like doing best
and get someone to pay you for doing it."

-Katherine Whitehorn

This quote has really gotten to me today. Am I too old? Is it too late? Why didn't somebody give me this advice 10 years ago? Or did they, but I didn't listen?
It was definitely a Monday today, and I had many moments where I found myself reevaluating my career and asking myself, "how did I get here?"

I mean, I am not doing anything with my life, as far as work goes, that I thought I'd be doing. Hello! I was supposed to be a famous writer by now, or a world traveler on the way to a new exotic destination, or an up-and-coming political hot shot on the way to becoming the first lady president.

Instead, I'm an eighth grade English teacher who spends more time having to discipline than actually teaching, and forget about the whole making a difference in the lives of today's youth...I am almost certain that ain't happening in my classroom.

How did this happen? What went wrong? More importantly, can it be fixed? Is there a rewind button on careers? Is it too late? Someone please convince me that it's not or at least give me some words of encouragement. After only 8 years in the classroom (not to mention 8 years of college education and lots of student loans later), I am already burned out, uninspired, and longing to do what really makes me happy...this...writing.

So, I guess I'm being pretty pessimistic today. Like I said, it's been a Monday, and it doesn't help that I started the week off exhausted. Weekends aren't restful when you have a one and two year old. Although, I am very grateful to have them in my life to keep me so exhausted!

In fact, they are the best thing about coming home from work everyday!

That being said, this blog was started to remind me of how beautiful life is, and my three men are definitely the most beautiful part of my day.
I just wish I could add my job to the list of beautiful reminders. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for my job. I would be insane not to be, especially with the economy on the fritz and the rising unemployment rates.

I just wish I could say I'm doing what I love for a living. I wish I had a job that allowed me to "live" while making a living. I wish I could stop being so negative!

But it's like my dad always says,"Wish in one hand and take a crap in the other; see which one gets filled first!"

Happy Monday, and may tomorrow be a Terrific Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I found your blog from Alabama bloggers - I am a new Alabama blogger as well! Welcome - great post - I think we all question what we do at some point in our career :) Check out my blog if you get a chance -

